Recommended pre event Training Materials
For internal courses
Please view / complete those elements shown in Blue
The elements shown in Orange are recommended.
Apex Achieving Personal Excellence
A list of skill pills - Apex Short courses
Please click on a tab to view the resources.
{tab title="Exercises" outline_handles="true" outline_content="true"}
Pre Event Apprisal Form - Please complete before attendance (you will not be asked to share this with anyone else).
Get a life - How much time do you have, just for you?
Top 3 - Profile yourself
Chris - A moral dilemma
Drivers - Life drivers questionnaire by Michael Reddy
DIssonance - When you finish, the scores in the last 3 columns show your pressures points
I am because - or is it?
Cold Hard Warm - A Questionnaire about relating preferences.
{tab Video}
Why do some conversations go so wrong - Persecutors? Victims? Rescuers?
Choices100 courses - but why pick one of those? What's driving you?
Speak your mind.Silence is agreement for the programme
What's your purpose, what goals get you there?
Think the same, get the sameThird level thinking.
TimeGet a life
Review Evidence from the past, planning for today
Evidence, feedbackvaluable unsubstantiated beliefs - not the truth, a truth.
What is a leader?Why are they needed? where?? Faster Learning Organisations
Becoming a Leaderleading yourself. Changing fundamental processes.
People differencesone of many character preferences (Goal/Journey)
AttachmentThe most well researched model of character formation.
The earliest preferencesExtravert - Introvert / Stable - Neurotic
Difficult conversationsValue systems “Jack and Jim or Ben”
Time to make a differenceLearning cycle
Difficult conversationsOutcome focus "The wedding"